Workshops will be dedicated to exploration of drawing techniques and allow participants to freely immerse themselves in memories from childhood. The art works will be carried out on A4 paper in a horizontal position and then brought up together during the bookbinding workshop in order to  create one book divided into three chapters. Workshops are open to everyone, however the maximum number of participants is 15 people.

June 8, 2019, 11.00 - 14.00: Important event / drawing

During the second workshop participants will familiarize themselves with drawing technique. The theme of the worksop will be a major event from childhood, which participants will present with a single color on a white paper. As in the previous workshop, the classes will be accompanied by a short lecture and presentation by the instructor and the literary part will be rewritten and later on printed by the project's coordinator. Materials and tools used are: three colors of markers (the participant chooses one color) with different line thicknesses, a drawing board and white paper.

The workshop was lead by Paweł Flieger.

Photos: Ania England

June 15, 2019, 11.00 - 14.00: Favorite toy or pet / ecoline

During the workshop participants will remind themselves about their favorite toy or pet and give a thought to why was it important, what events are they related to and how they looked like? The technique in which books will be created is an ecoline and ink on white watercolor paper. At the beginning of the class there will be a short introduction to painting and drawing artist's books, followed by a presentation in which the instructor will explain how to use ecoline in the process of creating painting stories. The literary part of the book will be written down during the workshop and then rewritten and printed by the project's coordinator. Materials and tools used during the workshop are: ecoline, water block, water, brushes, drawing boards and paper tape.

The workshop was lead by Paweł Flieger.

Photos: Ania England

June 22, 2019, 11.00 - 14.00: Family travels / pastels

The last workshop will be devoted to pastel technique, which for the change, participants will perform on a coloured paper. After a short introduction and becoming familiar with the workshop's subject, the instructor will present how to use dry pastel and how to secure finished work. The workshop will end with a summary of the project and an individual and collective discussion about the created works. The necessary materials are: coloured papers, dry pastels, drawing boards and fixative.

The workshop was lead by Paweł Flieger.

Photos: Ania England